Sunday, November 23, 2008

Chronos 2

CHRONOS 2 is another 9" x 12" shadowbox. It has a medieval castle and a banner and a space-age feeling collage all co-existing within a big "time portal" on the glass. How far away are we from those times? We've seen progress in the development of mechanical things, yes, but how much progress have we made in dealing with other human beings and nations? Was it Gandhi who, when asked his opinion of western civilization, said he thought it would be a good idea? And who said that if we didn't remember history, we would be doomed to repeat it? We could settle space, build castles in the air, but if we carry our current level of greed and violence and fear with us, well, we might as well be living in a hut in the middle ages, waiting for the plague to strike. I did this collage around the time of the first "Desert Storm" operation, when Crusades and the horrors of technology were much on my mind, and not much has changed since then.